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Janitors Advanced Training

Professional Janitors will Learn (5) Skills to help their Business Grow and Retain Clients…

Skill #1 Quadrant Clean:

Professional Janitors and Commercial Cleaners Will Learn, A Technique That Will Guarantee a Clean Building And Nothing Is Missed...

Quadrant Clean:

Quadrant clean is the first step of the five part Advance commercial cleaning system. This style of cleaning converts ordinary cleaners into professional cleaners that will guarantee nothing is missed and reassure client retention. The Quadrant Clean is a powerful advance style of cleaning. Cleaning Bosses will transform their business into a well organized cleaning system.


Dear Unlearned, Waiting until there is a complaint or problem and then take corrective action is not putting out fires and is not the norm. It will be a little late to begin work on process improvement. Many problems surface because pre-planning and monitoring was ignored.

If you think training is expensive, try the cost of being in the dark of your business_

Skill #2 Quality Clean

Professional Janitors and Commercial Cleaners Will Learn, A Technique That Will Increase Quality Cleaning.

Quality Cleaning

Quality Cleaning is a technique that professional cleaners use to focus on all surfaces of the commercial building together with the Quadrant Clean. Quality Clean will leave the building feeling and smelling clean and increase speed while building and maintaining the quality of the clean.

Cleaning Bosses must remove barriers that block quality workmanship. Professional Cleaners sleep well when they know every night they have done their best.


Skill #3 Speed Clean

Professional Janitors and Commercial Cleaners Will Learn, A Technique That Will Save Time and Money While Holding On To Quality.

Speed Cleaning 

Speed Clean will save the Cleaning Bosses time and money. The professional Cleaner will adopt Fast Cleaning Skills while Holding the quality of the clean. Every building will be cleaned up to 50% less time and guarantee quality will be held.

The rate per/hour will increase as the time cleaning the building decreases.

Skill #4 Smart Clean

Professional Janitors and Commercial Cleaners Will Learn, A Technique That Will Perform a Deeper Cleaning That Guarantees A Strong Operation and Long Term Client Retention .

Smart Cleaning

Smart Clean uses Quadrant Clean and Quality Clean to strengthen the entire operation and guarantee a Long Term Client Retention. It is a deeper cleaning of the whole building over a period of scheduled times with professionally trained team support. Cleaning Bosses will increase Client Trust because Clients will notice the change in their workplace and they will be satisfied. Clients will show signs of respect to the cleaning service.

When the professional skilled cleaner communicate with the client the responses will be faster.

Cleaning Bosses will notice clients welcoming attitudes and in most cases thankful. Clients will look to the cleaner as a professional they can seek advice from and they will look to the professional skilled cleaner for cleaning guidance.

Cleaning Bosses will turn complaints into up-sale profit.

Skill #5 Team Clean

Professional Janitors and Commercial Cleaners Will Learn, The Perfect Team To Help Grow Your Business For Bigger Profits Without Cleaner Burn Out.

Team Cleaning

Janitorial Commercial cleaning consist of cleaning multiple buildings, or, one large building, or, Day Porters. Inside every building there are two main positions and they can be split into multiple tasks. Building perfect teams requires building leaders who embrace accountability through motivation.

Cleaning Bosses will learn many power techniques in hiring quality teams that will build trust and long relationships with both team and clients. Hiring perfect teams requires building leaders who embrace accountability through motivation, corrective criticism, and repetition. Preparing for the day to day cleaning tasks requires organization and training the team’s heart.


Your leaders will build there own teams and train them to become professional cleaners. Cleaning Bosses will learn five advanced skills that will empower them to hire the right person for the right task.

Our leaders will build there teams using proven systems that guarantees success in team building.